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Village of Glendale Heights
Village of Glendale Heights
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Business Licenses

All businesses are required to have a Village of Glendale Heights business license to operate in the Village of Glendale Heights. The business license is issued annually and is valid from January 1 through December 31. Vending or coin-operated machines also need to be licensed.

The annual license fee is determined upon the gross square footage area of business including basement, mezzanines, storage areas and accessory buildings. Certain professional offices such as architects and engineers, attorneys at law, insurance brokers, real estate brokers, physicians and dentists are exempt from the licensing fee but still must register.

If you are considering the Village of Glendale Heights as home for your business, please contact Community Development at 630.260.6030 for more information on how to begin the business licensing process or visit Community Development for a New Business Packet. These forms are to be returned the Department of Community Development.


Established businesses holding a current business license with the Village of Glendale Heights are mailed a business license renewal form annually by early to mid November.

Upon receipt of the license renewal form, businesses are requested to carefully review the information listed, mark changes, complete the form as instructed, sign and return it along with payment in the self-addressed envelope to:

Village of Glendale Heights
ATTN: Business License Renewal
300 Civic Center Plaza
Glendale Heights, IL 60139

You may also drop-off the completed license renewal form and payment in person to the Community Development Department, located on the 1st floor of the Village Hall Building.

For additional submission information and online credit card payment options, review the Business License Renewal link, Business License Renewal Information supplement page, available in the Document Center tab along the right boarder of this page.

Checks or online payment receipts must be attached to mail in, drop box or counter drop off submissions. Do not send cash in the mail. Faxes can be sent to 630.260.1317 and emails sent to If choosing fax and email submissions, you must include the online payment receipts. Email attachments must use .pdf file formatting.

Visit GovPay to be directed to the "allpaid" online payment system for rental licenses. There is currently a 3% additional service fee per citation, assessed by GovPayNow, when paying by this method.

Business license renewals are due no later than December 31st.

If you have not received your business license renewal form by end of November or have further questions regarding the renewal process, please contact the Community Development Department at 630.260.6030.